Birthday Day

Birthday Cupcake

It was my birthday last week and it couldn’t have been a sweeter day. The morning started with an iced coffee delivered to my bedside and ended with a family viewing of Frozen. I had about twenty minutes of quiet alone time to eat this cupcake and drink a cup of coffee in the backyard and got to enjoy the last day of my dad’s visit to us. All in all, there was nothing out of the ordinary about my birthday and yet it was beautiful and sweet and filled with love. Life is not always easy, but to get to thirty-one and see that a Friday in July with swim lessons and sweeping under the high chair and cooking dinner and fresh flowers by my desk and know that it’s everything I could ever ask for, well, that’s pretty sweet.

A profound thank you for every single email, phone call, text, Facebook post, emoji, big hug, well wish, and love. You, yes you, make my life so so good. 


4 thoughts on “Birthday Day

  1. I meant to text you a million times that day…but I didn’t. 😦 I thought of you though, and thanked God for your life, your ministry and your friendship to me. Happy Belated! So glad it was a great day.

  2. I’m so glad I saw this post — that’s exactly how I felt on my last birthday (in July, too, by the way). I had the most delicious day, full of light and love and laughs, nothing unusual, nothing extraordinary. But the moment I realized that my birthday could’ve actually been any other day…and that I could (and did!) enjoy birthday-like-days on many other occasions….well, that made it all the more sweeter.

  3. Pingback: InstaJuly | While You Were Napping

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